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Volvo 240
Dynamat Installation

     UPDATED: June 2, 2024           CONTACT      
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Three different Dynamat products are used below:
Dynamat Extreme, Dynapad and Dynaliner.
I began this installation in the summer of 2017. 

Before working on the AC (see my Classic Auto Air installation HERE), I decided this would be a good time to gut the interior and cover as much as possible with sound deadening material. I had been planning this part for a while and I had bought some Dynamat a year earlier. My 242 was pretty loud inside when driving.  You didn't really notice it much until you drove a newer, much more quiet car.  It made conversation difficult and listening to a radio pretty useless. 

This was my first experience with Dynamat,
however I have used cheaper alternatives in past years.

After gutting most of the interior, I began with the firewall.

There was originally a thick Volvo factory pad on the firewall made of open cell foam with an asphalt type lining on one side. It was the same type of material as that stuff on the transmission hump in this photo. It was in sad condition, torn and falling down.  I pulled the old pad off and began by applying Dynamat Extreme all over the firewall. 

Dynamat Extreme is a peel and stick material with thick butyl rubber on one side and heavy aluminum foil sheeting on the other. 
It's very flexible, easy to cut with scissors and stays stuck, really, really well.  I've used some inexpensive alternatives before and found some of those were not very flexible and had trouble sticking or staying stuck to vertical surfaces. Dynamat does not have this problem and it conforms to any surface shape very well.

I read a LOT of reviews about many other competitor sound deadening materials before I decided to buy Dynamat.  I found that a number of competitors are using a different type of rubbery tar material that can get melt and get RUNNY in hot weather.  I have seen reviews from some unhappy customers who found puddles of oozing tar running down interior firewalls and out of the bottoms of door panels on hot days, all over their pristine interiors! 

I decided that is a nightmare I was willing to pay extra to avoid.

Then I created a new firewall pad using Dynapad. In this photo you can see Dynapad covering the passenger side firewall. It begins near the gas pedal on the driver's side and extends all the way to the right edge of the passenger side firewall. I used the old original Volvo firewall pad as a template and cut the new one with scissors. The old firewall pad was falling apart pretty bady.

Dynapad is a thick, firm foam material (just under 1/2" thick) with a butyl rubber core. 
It's fairly heavy, about 1 lb. per square foot. It does not have self-adhesive, so it needs to be held in place somehow if used on a vertical surface. As you can see in the photos, I used the bolts and wide washers that were already there on the firewall to hold the original pad.

 Here's a piece of Dynapad placed on the driver's side firewall behind the pedals.

Here I have cut new insulating pads using Dynapad for the front floors and transmission hump. Again, I used the old original pads for templates.
If you're really observant, you may have noticed the original lower heater ducts (shown below) going along the hump to the floor and under the seats are missing.  Those will not be going back in with the new AC system. 

 Another view showing Dynapad covering the driver's floor.

 And the shifter hump got a new piece of Dynapad.  There was an original thick Volvo pad here too that I've replaced with Dynapad.

The outer left and right side plastic kick panels got skinned with Dynamat Extreme. This probably seems excessive, but I thought any extra amount of insulation would help wherever I could place it. 
Maybe it helped . . . probably not.


 Then I began working my way under the front seats and toward the rear seat with Dynamat Extreme.

And you can see here I added a smaller piece of Dynapad over the driveshaft hump behind the parking brake.  There was also an original piece of thick Volvo pad here that I pulled out.

The side sheet metal under the rear side panels got some Dynamat Extreme too.  I also covered the inside of the outer sheet metal as far as I could reach inside there.

Then I began putting down Dynaliner on areas under the front seats where I didn't use Dynapad.
is the foam with the black Dynaliner text printed on it below. I stopped at the front of the back seat.

Dynaliner is a smooth closed cell foam with adhesive backing.  It comes in a few thicknesses (1/8, 1/4 and 1/2 inch).
I used 1/4 inch thick Dynaliner. 

Dynaliner is advertised as a thermal barrier. 
The manufacturer doesn't really say anything about its sound deadening properties, however after watching the VIDEO BELOW of someone putting it inside a Corvette, I was convinced it would be a good addition for some degree of noise reduction.



I covered the entire floor with 1/4 inch Dynaliner foam, but I did not place any Dynaliner under or behind the rear seat, since I think that might have made things too thick to re-install the seat. The rear seat is made of thick foam, so it undoubtedly provides some sound reduction by itself.  Regarding the doors, roof and the rear package shelf, I didn't get to those at this time, so that will be something I'll work on later.

This video below was made in 2021 by someone using Noico products for sound deadening in a small Honda. What makes this video so interesting is the maker recorded sound levels and decibel readings at various stages. It gives you some really good ideas about realistic results after a lot of effort and expense.

In this video a THIRD layer is installed called MASS LOADED VINYL, which I did not install in my car.  Maybe some more studying of this third layer would be good.

So how much did my Dynamat project cost?
 Dynamat Extreme: About $150 per box. 36 square feet per box.
Everything you see in the above photos was done using TWO boxes of Dynamat Extreme.  I bought a third box for the doors and headliner, which were not done yet at time of writing this.

 Dynapad: About $90 per roll. 12 square feet per roll.  I used almost all of TWO rolls.

 Dynaliner 1/4 inch: About $50 per roll. 12 square feet per roll.  I used most of TWO rolls of 1/4 inch material.
This product is available in 1/8 inch, 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch thick.

My overall result was pretty good. 
It is not luxury car quiet, but it is noticeably better than before.

Some good links for more ideas on sound and thermal insulation:

  If you have any suggestions to improve the information in this page, please email.  Thanks, Dave


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